Floor slabs are designed for use in the design and construction of the bearing parts of buildings and structures with a normal temperature and humid regime and non-aggressive media under normal conditions of construction.
Floor slabs are classified according to the following features that characterize types of support conditions on the circuit board on the supporting structures or the thickness of the slab. For lifting and mounting plates are used mounting hinges or special gripper, whose design sets manufacturer in consultation with the customer and the project organization - the designer of the building (construction). Location and size of holes in the plates, provided for bespetlevogo assembly, take on the drawings, a member of a project document capture device for these boards.
shape and size of plates shall comply with the working drawings for these plates;
constructive length and width of the plate taken according to GOST 28984 equal to the corresponding size of the focal plate, minus the gap between adjacent plates;
if necessary overlap of oven space, exceeding the distance between adjacent focal axes of the building, structural length plates (eg plates, resting on the walls of the stairway of large-panel buildings with transverse bearing walls) take equal to the distance between the axles, increased the extent necessary as determined in accordance with constructive decisions